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In Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga there are three main series: 

Primary series or Yoga Chikitsa:  therapeutic yoga.

Intermediate series o Nada Sodhana:  putifies nervous system. 

Advance A, B, C and D or Stretch Bhagah Samapta;  yoga that requires an absolute mastery of previous series requiring strength, grace, flexibility and above all humility.


Nell'Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga esistono tre principali serie:

  1. Primary series o Yoga chikitsa: yoga terapeutico

  2. Intermediate series o Nada Sodhana: purifica il sistema nervoso centrale.

  3. Advance A, B, C e D o Stira Bhagah Samapta; yoga che richiede una assoluta padronanza delle precedenti serie richiedendo forza, grazia, flessibilità e soprattutto umiltà.

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